3Dimensionel induktionsspis
Så jävla smart! Istället för att bara värma kastrullen under ifrån så värmer den runt om och enbart i nivå med innehållet i kastrullen. Sparar energi och gör att det går snabbare =]
Designerns egna ord om det:
"The now available Induction System works only where the pan or pot is in contact with the induction surface. The Surrounding Induction System exploits the total pan surface, maximising the already high efficiency of this technology. The hemispherical shape of the pan allows a flexible capacity, for a small as well as big quantity of food, and the level of the induction used is only up to the level of the food for energy saving. The pot is removable for easy washing and cleaning. The Surrounding Induction System is combined with a Full Surface Flat Induction System with different selectable areas, in order to facilitate the use of different sizes and shapes of traditional coock ware. The ceramic surface of the cooking hob is available in different colours, and made in one single piece for easy cleaning. The commands use the touch screen technology. The particular semi lunar shape of the hob allows to a more ergonomic control of the cooking process. The combination shown is designed for a large family, but different sizes and combinations are possible for different cooking contexts." - Stefano Rubertelli

Designerns egna ord om det:
"The now available Induction System works only where the pan or pot is in contact with the induction surface. The Surrounding Induction System exploits the total pan surface, maximising the already high efficiency of this technology. The hemispherical shape of the pan allows a flexible capacity, for a small as well as big quantity of food, and the level of the induction used is only up to the level of the food for energy saving. The pot is removable for easy washing and cleaning. The Surrounding Induction System is combined with a Full Surface Flat Induction System with different selectable areas, in order to facilitate the use of different sizes and shapes of traditional coock ware. The ceramic surface of the cooking hob is available in different colours, and made in one single piece for easy cleaning. The commands use the touch screen technology. The particular semi lunar shape of the hob allows to a more ergonomic control of the cooking process. The combination shown is designed for a large family, but different sizes and combinations are possible for different cooking contexts." - Stefano Rubertelli
